Sunday, March 27, 2011

Traffic Robocops

Anyone who knows the Ragin' Man knows that he hates cops. Kind of ironic since at one point the Ragin' Man trained police officers, but the Ragin' Man digresses.

I read a story on Yahoo! News about one South Carolina town along I-95 (the major north-south corridor along the east coast US) installing traffic cameras that send tickets to motorists who speed. Here is an excerpt about why they did such a thing:

"Ridgeland Mayor Gary Hodges said the cameras in his town about 20 miles north of the Georgia line do what they are designed to do: slow people down, reduce accidents and, most importantly, save lives."

Sounds reasonable enough right? I mean who wants to cause accidents or take lives? Well here is how the article describes the process of being ticketed:

"Earlier this month, Ridgeland Police Officer David Swinehamer sat in a van beneath an overpass as a radar gun in a thicket of electronic equipment outside clocked passing vehicles: 60, 72, 73, 67.

Then a Mercedes with South Carolina tags sped by going 83 — 13 mph over the speed limit. A camera fired and pictures of the tag and driver appeared on a monitor in the van. The unaware motorist continued north, but could expect a $133 ticket in the mail in a couple of weeks."

To paraphrase Nicholas Cage in the movie "The Rock", how in the name of Zeus' butthole does this help "slow people down, reduce accidents and, most importantly, save lives"? If this were to actually perform those functions the police officer in question would have to stop the driver and tell him to drive slower. If the reasoning behind why we force motorists to drive within a speed limit is that "it is unsafe to drive above the speed limit" that police officer has done nothing to make the road safer as the driver was not even informed he could kill or maim at his current pace. He won't even be informed for 2-3 more weeks!

Now I'm sure you're saying "I'm with you Ragin' Man, but we all know you really rage. Like dark side of the Force rage. This seems pretty lame for rage." Well, let me show you something else that these traffic cams do.

I first read about this in Easyriders. It's a story about 6 towns that were caught shortening yellow lights in order to raise revenue from their red light cameras. In a few instances there is some doubt as to whether the lights were shortened on purpose, but this story cements the nature of the stop light cameras.

The pertinent lines from this article are

"City officials agree the cameras, which monitor and record red-light violations, are working. Violations, accidents and injuries are down. But so are citations, which help pay for the automated ticketing program that can cost some cities more than $400,000 a year to Norcross-based LaserCraft.

The drop in citations is due, in part, to a state law that went into effect Dec. 31 that mandated a one-second addition to the yellow phase at all camera intersections."

So if lengthening the yellow light makes for less accidents and municipalities just want to protect their citizenry then why doesn't ever municipality go to a 4 second yellow unprompted? Because it's all about revenue stream, which brings me to my reason for hating cops. The story is all about municipalities in Georgia removing red light cameras due to decreased revenues.

I have no idea how many cops stop crimes that could lead to the loss of life, limb or property on a daily basis, but I've honestly never been in a situation where I've said "thank God the cops are here." I take that back, one time my house was broken into and I waited 4 and a half hours for a cop to show up to take my report, so I did thank my deity that a cop had indeed shown up.

I can tell you that the number of cops I have seen looking for speeders is great, and going up every day. What is interesting is that most times I see them looking for speeders in areas where people aren't, so there is less chance of anyone being hurt by an errant 10 miles over.

A hint for anyone driving into Louisiana: WATCH THE SPEED LIMIT! Bobby Jindal runs a police state with shitty roads.

That's what makes me rage.

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