Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Republic, Really Lost

I just got done reading "Republic, Lost" by Lawrence Lessig. It is a very good book and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about the corrupting influence of money or anyone who simply wants to understand why most people believe it is corrupting.

In the book Lessig points to ways to devalue big donor money and instead make the money a candidate gets tied more to the number of voters who support that candidate.

I came away from the book thinking that there were some good ideas in the book, but I don't know that campaigns are the big problem anymore. Check out this report from the CBS Evening News:

I think that even if we get candidates completely publicly funded contested races will then use Super PACs to push money into races. I'm not sure how to solve the problem, but it's just something to think about as you see more and more reporting on Super PACs.

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